Day #3- 1LB of Clay 25 Ways - Bowl with Ribbed Handles

Day #3  - Adding Random Ribbed Texture to an otherwise simple bowl! It's the small details that matter.
Music in video by: Scott Williams
Song - Nothing Else Matters

1. WHAT I LIKED ABOUT THIS Bowl:  To be honest…it felt a little forced…BUT…once I got to making the handles I was completely happy with the results!

2. FEELINGS OF GREECE: Without realizing it, the ribbed handles gave me (or what I felt) was a feeling of Greece. I rather like the plainness of the bowl and the crackle textures of the that came out when I rolled the handles were very pleasing to me.

3. LEARNING ABOUT WHAT I LIKE:  Even after only 3 days I’m learning about the small characteristics that I like to see. The natural cracking of clay is something I find very intriguing. It’s like looking at a dry desert floor and when I pair it up with something's exciting..something I’ve always found beautiful because it completely spontaneous!  

Hope you enjoyed today’s piece and I’ll be back at it again tomorrow!!

Thanks for watching and go ENJOY SOME CLAY!

Tammy Jo


